What is Neural Organisational Therapy (N.O.T)?

The philosophy and principle of N.O.T is that in order to understand how our basic physiological functions work today, we must look at our primitive origins. Primitive man evolved to exist and survive in a hostile environment. Therefore, essentially everything we need for survival, with the exception of food, air and water, must be found within the body itself. It is a self-healing, self-regulating, self-perpetuating (replacing its own tissue) mechanism. These mechanisms, by their own nature, must be integrated and fully automatic from the very beginning of life. Physical or emotional trauma and poor diet can disturb these automatic functions. N.O.T has been found to be a key to understand many of these relationships.

N.O.T provides specific protocols to reset and reprogram the neurology within the automatic nervous system, responsible for controlling the body’s 4 primal survival systems – the Fight/Flight (defence system), Digestive, Immune and Reproductive. Some of these systems or ‘programs’ were passed down, like our digestion and reproduction (it’s innate and automatic), where others were learnt, such as walking, running, or learning to tie our shoelaces (we have to consciously think about it). This is also where we start to create new neurology or ‘sub-programs’ giving us different experiences in life. 

When one of our ‘programs’ or ‘sub-programs’ are disturbed and our neurology gets disorganised, the messages (neural networks containing vital sensory information) going to and from the brain are confused, causing mixed and inappropriate responses. This is where imbalances (symptoms) and dis-ease start to occur within the body.

The 4 Primary Neural Network Systems

  1. Fight/Flight (defense mode)
  2. Digestive System
  3. Limbic/Immune System (immune, repair, growth & cellular reproduction)
  4. Reproductive System

Other Neural Network Systems

  1. Learning and Language capacity of the Brain (learning difficulties)
  2. Spinal Coordination – motion, balance and posture.

The 4 Primary Neural Network Systems

An example of how these systems work together…

When you are about to eat, your body gives more ‘power’ to the digestive system and turns down energy to the flight/fight and reproductive systems. When the digestive process is somewhat complete or ‘you’re feeling full’, the feeding circuits slow down and the energy to the flight/fight and reproductive systems are restored to their former levels.

Another example is when you are fighting a virus or the flu. All your energy goes towards your immune system helping you to heal and recover as quickly as possible which leaves little to no energy for reproduction and digestion. This is the reason you feel lethargic, can’t eat and have absolutely no motivation to participate in day-to-day tasks. You probably have no space to ‘worry’ about the current stressors in your life and sex is probably also the last thing on your mind.

On a day-to-day basis, we move in and out of these states, depending upon what the “jungle of life” demands at that moment – at least, this is what happens in a normal, healthy organized state of being.

In a disorganized state, however, the systems are out of balance and a person is stuck in one or other of these modes, usually defence, also known as the fight/flight system.

This then becomes the new reality….

It was Dr. Ferreri (founder of N.O.T) who discovered that the fight/flight system was usually the dominant trigger for neural disorganisation. This means that at some point in life, possibly after a fall or trauma, a person moved into the defence mode. The force or severity of neural disorganisation was too great for the body to reorganise itself afterwards, so the nervous system remained locked in defence, like a boxer, always braced for the next blow.

This may be why some people and perhaps you too complain of tension in the head, jaw, neck, and/or lower back.

If this isn’t corrected, the body stays locked in defence, preventing energy from flowing to the digestive and reproductive systems. Eventually these systems will begin to show signs and symptoms of malfunction.

This is because on a primitive level, when we are faced with a threat, we will try to defend/protect ourselves before taking the time out to eat or pro-create.

In Summary, N.O.T offers a variety of “concepts and techniques” to help create awareness and reset any glitches or dysfunction within one or more of these programs. When your neurology is organised, it allows the body to function optimally and effectivity, so instead of you living in ‘survival’ (fight/flight), you are in homeostasis – a space where you have the ability to think rationally, love, trust, learn and create. Essentially, once you stop trying to SURVIVE, you can begin to THRIVE!

What is involved in a N.O.T session

When resetting/reorganising the individual neurological systems, we use ‘muscle testing’ (hyperlink to muscle testing explained) to determine the ‘deficits’ that have occurred in each basic survival systems. A muscle test can help us correct the fault in each system, so that you return to neutral (homeostasis). Essentially, your defensive, digestive and reproductive systems return to their normal function, and you can operate in balance again, free of chronic problems or dis-ease. 

Generally, we will disarm the defence system first when attempting to boost the digestive or reproductive systems. Working in another order would mean manipulating the body against its own intelligence, and would result in only a short-term correction

N.O.T encompasses knowledge from

Applied Kinesiology (Dr George Goodheart DC, Dr David Walther DC, ICAK)
Touch for health (Dr John Thie DC)
Sacro Occipital Technique (S.O.T – Dr De Jarnette DC)
Cranio Sacral Therapy (C.S.T – Dr John Upledger DO)
Chiropractic (Dr D Palmer DC)
Neuro Lymphatics (Dr Frank Chapman DO)
Neuro Vasculars (Dr Terrance Bennett DC)
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Anatomy and Physiology

Throughout the session, you may also hear me state “eyes open, eyes closed, its light or dark”. Why is this? Everything that happens to us causes stress – good or bad. The stress happens at some point in our life when our eyes are either open or shut or it will be either light (day) or dark (night-time). You may also be sitting, standing or lying. Therefore, testing the problem or any relating triggers at hand in the various combinations of the above mentioned will help isolate and identify any hidden aspects of a faulty program.

N.O.T addresses the following problems:

Headaches / Migraines
Chronic Neck, Shoulder and Back Pain
Jaw tension / Grinding or clenching teeth
Tingling and numbness
Visual and hearing difficulties
Reading, writing difficulties
Food sensitivities / Allergies
Recurring ear & sinus infections
Vertigo / Balance problems / Motion sickness
Immune / Autoimmune disorders
Hypoglycemia / Hyperglycemia / Diabetes
Acid reflux
Chronic gas / bloating / belching
Hernias (both inguinal and hiatal)
Thyroid conditions
Hormone imbalances
Sleeping problems
Emotional stress
Past trauma
Bad habits
Emotional stress
The feeling of not being good enough

HOW N.O.T can help you overcome a lifetime of emotional blocks, fears, habits, and addictions

Who can benefit from N.O.T.?

Anyone, regardless of age, who has a recurring health problem can benefit from N.O.T. treatment. It is for anyone who just doesn’t feel right and wants to find out if something can be done so they can feel well again.

To add, N.O.T can be quite effective for children.  It has been said and seen that children suffer from number of falls and hits to the head, usually in the first 5-10 years of life which may cause head injury and neural disorganisation where symptoms may not appear until weeks or, more likely, decades later.

This is why it’s important to have your child examined as soon as possible, which could save them a lifetime of potential health problems down the track.

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