What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a natural, holistic and evidence-based therapy that uses the tool of MUSCLE-TESTING to identify imbalances (stressors) in the body, and the science of ENERGY BALANCING to promote good health and wellbeing. When these underlying or subconscious ‘stressors’ aren’t addressed over the long term, this can lead to many different mental, emotional, and/or physical symptoms.
By understanding the underlying root cause of our symptoms, we can cater the right techniques and make the appropriate changes to remove these stressors and bring ourselves back into BALANCE. It’s when we are in balance we have the opportunity to achieve our health, wellness and personal goals.
How Does Kinesiology Work?
Through the art of MUSCLE TESTING….
Muscle testing is an incredible tool that allows me, the practitioner, to bypass your conscious and rational mind to identify the underlying root cause of your physiological or psychological symptoms. By obtaining information from your subconscious, we are able to uncover, rewire or shift limiting beliefs, emotions, coping mechanisms and elements of self-sabotage, which may be holding you back from achieving your goals.
By having the ‘right’ awareness, we can apply the ‘right’ healing methods and make the appropriate changes to bring you back into balance (homeostasis). It’s when we are in BALANCE that we feel and are at EASE.
These healing methods include concepts from:
- Chinese Eastern Philosophy
- Acupuncture & the meridian system.
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Nutrition
- Flower essences
- Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Neural Organisation Technique (N.O.T)
The Science
In order to find imbalances or stress, we need to access the body’s bio-feedback system, also known as Proprioception.
Proprioception is a continuous loop of feedback between sensory receptors throughout the body and the central nervous system. Proprioceptors are located on your skin, joints, and muscles.
When we move, our brain senses the effort, force, and heaviness of our actions and responds accordingly. During a muscle test, the proprioceptors located in the “Muscles Spindles” are activated by touch or sense.
The central nervous system carries the signal to the brain, and in turn, a muscle response is initiated at the point of activation.
Kinesiology is the science of interpreting this muscle response as an indicator of Psychological, Physiological and Bio-chemical stress.
Kinesiology Relieves:
The feeling of being stuck, blocked or overwhelmed.
Communication challenges in relationships.
Benefits of seeing a Kinesiologist
Works With Your Subconcious And Healing Intelligence
Kinesiology allows us to access your subconscious, or some would say ‘inner wisdom’ or ‘divine intelligence’. Your subconscious is like a databank or library for your whole life. It stores all your core wounds, limiting beliefs, emotions, and experiences – especially the experiences that have once caused you pain. By accessing this ‘intelligence’, we can ask you specific questions and gain information about the current state of the body on a cellular, energetic and physical level. Not only do we have an idea of what is contributing to your psychological or physical symptoms, we are able to work with the same ‘intelligence’ to bring you back into balance and heal.
More on the body’s innate healing capabilities here
Takes The Pressure Off & The Guess Work Out
There is no better way to understand your own body than to ask the incredible human body itself. Your subconscious knows exactly why you think, feel and behave the way you do. Your subconscious also knows why you don’t behave in the way you want to. Your subconscious also knows what is hurting you, which is why we have ‘symptoms’. It’s when we ignore our symptoms and our body’s cry for help, that these symptoms can start to manifest and make us sicker and more stressed. Kinesiology encourages us to pay attention, ask questions, and ultimately, honour ourselves.
Kinesiology also takes the pressure off you to figure out what could be wrong with your child. It can also give you guidance on how to support your child. If we can access their subconscious and see the world through their lens, it’s only going to help you help them move forward.
It Saves You
Courtney has seen multiple clients who have spent years working with many doctors, specialists, and practitioners looking for answers and trying to find a sense of relief. These clients have either hit dead ends or are told that there is nothing ‘wrong’. If only these clients had gone to Courtney sooner, they would have saved themselves a lot of money, time and stress. Kinesiology takes the guess work out. By getting to the source of the problem, Courtney offers the best and most appropriate action/solution moving forward – whether that is with Courtney herself or in the hands of referred professional.
One Of The Most Holistic Therapys In Modern Medicine
A primary goal of Kinesiology is to gain awareness around the cause of your problem / symptoms. Once we have that awareness, we can apply the most appropriate and specific healing methods, modalities, and tools to bring you back to balance and good health. Think of Kinesiology as the umbrella for every other therapy and modality to date. If there is a specific imbalance or concern which Courtney believes needs more attention, or would be better suited to another health professional, she will refer accordingly. This is to ensure you get the most out of your health journey and are being looked after from both a holistic and medical standpoint.
Seeking support from a Kinesiologist sooner rather than later can potentially save you or your child a lifetime of health problems, emotional struggle, learning difficulties or unexplained illnesses. Stress is the number 1 cause for illness and dis-ease in the Western world so if you and your child can have a bit more of an understanding of who they are and learn how to respond to the stresses of life earlier, there will be more opportunity for them to feel and live at ease in the future.
Not sure if I can help you?
Send through your questions or concerns!
Book in a FREE 1:1 Discovery call
What to expect during a kinesiology session?
Typically, on your first visit, a detailed history is taken to learn more about you, your goals and expectations for the session. This discussion is then followed by the practical “balancing” phase which involves the use of various techniques catered to your specific needs.
At the end of the session, there will be an opportunity to discuss the awareness and changes that occurred throughout the balance and a plan to continue to enhance your recovery.
Will it cure me?
For a successful recovery, it is important you are willing to also take responsibility for your own health and healing. This may mean seeking other health modalities to specifically support you and what your body needs.
Can Kinesiology still help if I am not stressed or in pain?
Kinesiology promotes vitality, energy, positivity and great health. It is a great preventative as it helps pick up imbalances (stress) before they can become present through symptoms.
Kinesiology also encourages you to focus on your mindset and growth. If you feel you have mental blocks, lack motivation or feel there is something stopping you from living your best life, Kinesiology can help clear the way by reprogramming your system allowing you to achieve what YOU want!.
Is it safe enough?
Using the body’s Innate Healing Intelligence, the body is empowered to heal itself without the use of pharmaceutical drugs or treatments.
If you have a serious illness or condition, I strongly recommend you see your doctor or other health practitioner whilst undergoing a Kinesiology balance to get the most out of your recovery. Please keep in mind, it is NOT a substitute for your doctor.
When will I start to see changes?
A client, for example, may see instant results after 1 session for neck pain, another client may take 3 sessions to feel better about their emotional/toxic relationship. Some imbalances need more time and that is okay.
Your body knows exactly what to do and how long it needs to take. All I can say is trust the process and trust your body.
How many sessions do we recommend?
Just like every other health modality, the body needs TIME to integrate and heal. Kinesiology is not a quick fix or a magic practice but offers a safe platform for you and your loved ones to make positive changes so you can thrive throughout your health journey. For a particular issue, the breakthrough package over a 6-8 week time frame is recommended as it allows us to set up an action plan, do the required amount of balancing, check in and make sure you are keeping up with home reinforcement. It also gives us the opportunity to fine tune or expand your goals if needed. If you would like the extra and on-going support, you may also like to speak to Courtney about the ‘Becoming Whole – You’ Protocol.